Smiley Faces Facebook
Facebook symbols for status - Copy and paste to status. ❤ ❥ ●▂● .. ●︿● .. ●ω● .. ●﹏● .. ●▽● .. ●△● ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(×̯×)۶ ¯\(°_o)/¯ ب_ب ◕ ‿ ◕ ✿◕‿◕✿ ❀◕‿◕❀ ❁◕‿◕❁ ✾◕‿◕✾ ♥‿♥
Want to make your facebook cool? Let yuppieguel help you to be the coolest facebooker ever. Discover how to make your Facebook page look Cool, find Cool Facebook emoticons smileys, cool things to put on Facebook, funny Facebook status, cool Facebook status and many more. I know there is a cool person in there somewhere bursting to come out. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the ride. Happy Facebooking! ✿♥‿♥✿