7 Things You Should Never Post on Facebook
We've all seen them. Facebook statuses informing the world that "I got so wasted last night", or "My principle is the biggest loser on the planet", or, my favourite, "I am on the toilet". So many people tend to go too far in sharing their lives online and don't remember the very real consequences that can occur. Here is a list of seven things you should never put on Facebook. Contact details Put up your hands everyone who stands in the middle of a shopping centre and shouts out their name, home address and telephone number. No one? Well why then do people persist in putting these details on the internet for the entire world to see? And then they wonder how some crazy stalker is able to track them down... Photos of their (or other people's) children Okay, maybe I'm sounding slightly paranoid here, but with the amount of child molesters in the world, and especially on the internet, you can't be too careful. So you put a picture of...